January 23rd is CiviDay! What does that mean? It means that there are CiviCRM meetups taking place all over the world on the same day.
The DC area CiviCRM users are having a special talk hosted by the National Democratic Institute (NDI). Please join us at their DC headquarters at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, January 23rd. We will learn about how NDI used CiviCRM as a member and voter management system for opposition parties in Belarus, the so-called “Last Dictatorship in Europe”.
This work involved localizing CiviCRM for Russian, enabling blast SMS capability, setting up new security systems, and preparing for the certain knowledge that some of the people being trained on the tool could be secretly working for the KGB.
As always, after the talk the group will move to a nearby restaurant or bar to continue our discussion.
We hope to see you for what should be a very interesting discussion!
Wednesday, January 23
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
NDI Headquarters
455 Massachusetts Ave NW
8th Floor
Washington, DC 20001